PT Kalbe Farma Tbk is the largest healthcare provider in Indonesia, managing an extensive portfolio of prescription pharmaceuticals and OTC drugs, energy drink and nutrition products. PT Kalbe Farma Tbk is also the largest publicly-listed pharmaceutical company in Southeast Asia, commanding a market capitalization of Rp 52.1 trillion and sales turnover Rp 17.9 trillion by end of 2015
The marketing team at PT Kalbe Farma Tbk believes in raising consumer’s awareness of the Liprolac brand via design but didn’t have the right toolset to implement it. When the opportunity came up for a new product launch, they jumped on it and chose Pelangi Central Design.
The team was frustrated by how the limitations of the marketing strategies previously used impeded their ability to achieve their ideal consumer outreach. As the Liprolac brand is targeted towards children’s health, the design and packaging need to be user-friendly, eye-catching, and easy to spread via word of mouth.
After consulting with the branding and design team at Pelangi Central Design, the decision was a cartoon artwork is best to communicate the Liprolac brand across effectively to parents shopping for children’s supplements. The use of lively imageries and colours also helps consumers’ to remember better and enhance the brand via word of mouth.